Social Media Strategy Development in Six Steps – Part 1
A social media strategy is important and helps you use social media as a successful tool. Social media is an important part of your communication. You should integrate social media into all your marketing campaigns and activities. In order to be successful, it is necessary for you to define a strate
LinkedIn Showcase Pages for your Company Pages
Do you know LinkedIn Showcase Pages that you can use within your Company Page? If not, you should read this article to learn more about this really useful function. I have summarized the most important information for you here. You will find further information on the LinkedIn help page. What are
Twitter Tips for employees, who are not in marketing.
With my Twitter Tips I turn to those who should tweet for their employer to promote the corporate topics to the world. I mean those who does not have a job or main job in social media, but use it in their communications. There are many tips and tricks that make it easier for you […]